Clinton Sleeper
“True Love Will Find You in the End” – Silkscreen print
As a media artist, performer, and maker, Clint Sleeper’s work humorously ponders an end to capitalism and seriously considers alternative possibilities for picking up the pieces and moving forward. This is a process of oscillating between old and new technologies as well as considering, in a clumsy fashion, popular or difficult philosophical positions. Ultimately, this research and this artwork reiterates a sense of responsibility while upholding a brand of humor and a commitment to performing within those demands, however naive those performed roles may seem. The resulting books, videos, interactive sculptures, and performances are shown in galleries and festivals internationally.
Sleeper teaches classes in digital media that consider the political implications of new technologies and the creative potential of these systems, networks and objects. Students are asked to maintain a democratic space where they can, at once, create new work and consider the contributions of their classmates toward a better understanding of these technologies as they pertain to art and everyday life.
For more information about the artist, check out: