Lique Schoot 

“18 Days with Hair Towels” – mixed media

Arnhem, Netherlands

“The self-portrait most intrigues me; not only are the deepest feelings and emotions of the artist visible, but also how they stand in society.

The Corona Diaries : March 2020 – present

‘The Corona Diaries’ are recent installations of the ‘LS diaries Color’ photographs. They show daily life in times of Corona. The cinematic fragments take place between dream and reality, showing the inner life of the artist.

Within the ‘LS diaries Project’, which started in 2003, ‘The Corona Diaries’ play an important role because the philosophical questions ‘Who Am I ? – Who Are We ?’ are more relevant than ever during the pandemic crisis.

Lique Schoot (NL, 1969) was born in Arnhem-NL, the city where she currently lives and works. She received her Bachelor Degree from ArtEZ (Academy of Visual Arts, NL) in 1997.

Lique is a multidisciplinary artist. She works in the tradition of conceptual art. Since her graduation, she has used the self-portrait as a vehicle for exploring the nature of existence. Her Self-portraits are visual autobiographical statements that reflect current times. They show identity, daily life, general emotions, and deal with the major themes of life.

For more information about the artist, check out: